Swansea University and University of Leicester
with United for All Ages

Age Diversity in Neighbourhoods
Identifying the impacts on health and wellbeing
of living in age diverse areas
An ESRC funded research project led by Martin Hyde, University of Leicester, and Lizzie Evans, Swansea University
About our research project
Intergenerational solidarity has been identified as a key factor for effective social functioning. However, evidence suggests that divisions between younger and older generations within Great Britain (GB) have never been greater. Growing residential age segregation is thought to be driving intergenerational division and conflict, but despite some recent studies there remain significant gaps in knowledge about the extent and impact of such segregation.
Using existing data from two robust national sources this study will produce a new Area Level Index of Age Diversity (ALIAD) and link it to individual outcomes to make four original contributions to knowledge: 1) a new, more sophisticated measure of area level age diversity for all Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs) and Data Zones (DZs) in GB; 2) a new understanding of the impact of area level age diversity on individual health, well-being, civic participation and neighbourhood quality; 3) the identification of any regional variations in these relationships; and 4) identify any age group differences in these relationships.
Our findings will provide a robust evidence base on the extent of area level age diversity in GB and its effect on people’s lives. This will enable policy makers to identify areas of concern and take effective action. Our dissemination activities will ensure that findings reach key stakeholders in social and residential policy, planning and implementation.
Published Work
Articles, Books and Chapters
Does it matter whether you live in a more age diverse neighbourhood? And how do we know?
The first poster/paper to be published by the Age Diversity in Neighbourhoods research project was launched at the British Society of Gerontology annual conference at UEA, Norwich, in July 2023.
Then in November 2023, Martin Hyde presented at the Gerontological Society of America's annual scientific meeting in Florida. His poster on Measuring Multigenerational Neighbourhoods in Great Britain can be seen here
See Martin's blogs for more details on how the research project is developing a new measure of age diversity in neighbourhoods.